Who is Chicken Paul?

Chicken Paul is an Undertale character that was forgotten by the community.

I remember encountering this character on my first ever playthrough of Undertale. He appears in Hotland as you walk out of one of the elevators. When watching playthroughs, it seems Heats Flamesman takes his place for most people. Unfortunately I don't have any screenshots or any way of proving this character is real, which is why I made this page so I can document any possible information of this elusive character.

Zero Search Results?

Yep, that's correct. When you search on Google, "chicken paul undertale", nothing related to him shows up. No wiki page, no fanart, nothing. Somehow, this is a lost Undertale character. Which is strange, because this game has been datamined a ton, you'd think a simple rare character would somehow be discovered. But nope. I honestly have no explanation for this.

Luckily, there a few people other than me who have encountered Chicken Paul, so below, lets look at some evidence by other people that prove Chicken Paul is real!

The Evidence

This here is a screenshot by u/Mr_Game-and_watch on Reddit. You can view the original post here. As you can see, people in the comments are pretty confused, with somebody questioning if its satire or if he actually has a chance to replace Heats Flamesman. (Yes, this is real btw). However, there are some people saying that they remember who Chicken Paul is. HE IS REMEMBERED!

If you have any information, screenshots, videos, etc about Chicken Paul, please DM me on Discord, my username is epicgamr8.

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